GPTeach - Glatt Plagiarism Screening Program Plagiarism Screening
GPSP - Glatt Plagiarism Screening Plagiarism Screening
Glatt Self-Detection Program Plagiarism Self-Detection Program
Glatt Consulting Glatt Consulting

Welcome to Glatt Plagiarism Services, Inc.

Help Deter Plagiarism and Encourage Academic Honesty

Glatt Academic Integrity Consulting

Academic integrity speaks to the heart of the educational process. Plagiarism undermines learning and the purposes of our academic institutions.

At stake is the honor of your school, faculty and students. Prospective students place a high value on their perception of the integrity and reputation of the institution of their choice.

"No one can eliminate plagiarism one hundred percent of the time. What one can do is to implement a proactive and visible program to deter plagiarism and encourage academic honesty." - Dr. Barbara Glatt

Since 1990, Glatt Consulting Services has assisted academic institutions with Plagiarism Forensics. Our consulting services include developing policies and procedures to deal with issues of academic dishonesty and plagiarism. Areas that we address include: issues of intent, definitions of infringements, establishing due diligence safeguards, developing appropriate sanctions and providing re-education procedures.

We understand the issues and know how to approach, analyze and work towards a comprehensive resolution. How important do you value protecting your school’s academic integrity?

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  • "Barbara S. Glatt has been in the business of catching cheaters for nearly a decade. She's an academic bloodhound, sniffing through research papers, separating the phonies from the genuine article."
    MSNBC - Website (April 28, 1999)
  • "As long as students try to cheat Glatt will be there to stop them".
    WBEZ - Chicago Public Radio (July 2008)
  • "Glatt Plagiarism Services relies on a student writer's textual fingerprint."
    Yahoo! - Internet Life Magazine (March 2000)
  • "A system that has been in use for years, the Glatt Plagiarism Screening Program lets a teacher find out if a student is truly the author of a paper..."
    New York Times- (January 2000)
  • "New computer program helps keep class copycats honest."
    Los Angeles Herald - (January 1988)
  • "Finally, there's a way to enforce school rules prohibiting academic dishonesty."
    National On-Campus Report- (February 1988)

Glatt Plagiarism Software

We produce three different software Programs to help deter and detect plagiarism. Our Software Programs provide statistically reliable results for uncovering plagiarism, regardless of the location of the original source - be it on and/or offline, while teaching students how to avoid plagiarism by measuring their comprehension of these principles.

GPS Endorsements

Publications around the country have raved about the Glatt Plagiarism Teaching and Screening Programs.

Press / Review Articles

Academic Leader Magazine

"A student's final grade hangs in the balance. The paper in your hand sounds vaguely familiar, and both you and the professor suspect it's been plagiarized. But neither of you has any idea what the original source was; so, there's no way to prove your suspicions. Until now."

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San Fransisco Examiner

"Sacramento scholar Dr. Barbara Glatt, who says writing styles are as distinctive as fingerprints, has invented a computer based system to detect students who copy, borrow or purchase their compositions."

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University of Colorado Finding Forrester McClatchy DC WBEZ Radio The Washigton Post Birmingham-Southern College New York Times The Examiner Texas Christian University BusinessWeek Wall Street Journal Pepperdine University The Chronicle National Public Radio University of Miami Newsweek The Chicago Tribue Navt The Mercury News The Bickfords